About 10 of the pages recount a few anecdotes from Carr’s experiences. The vast majority of this 82-page book, however, presents a beginner’s “How to Guide to the Paranormal” (as the subtitle states). Drawing on his over twenty years of experience participating with and leading teams of paranormal investigators, he helps those new to the field learn the ins and outs in a frank and friendly way. I also suspect a ghost hunter with several years’ experience would find the the materials here quite useful.
Perhaps the biggest point made in Talking to Yourself in the Dark: get permission before going into buildings, cemeteries, and other locations. The book hammers home this point to the reader multiple times throughout the book (even in the final note from the author). For me, it felt a little redundant, given its frequency. However, avoiding legal issues due to trespassing makes life much easier, so I understand why he mentioned it so often.
The book covers where to go on investigations and gives tips for possible activities while there. It reviews many things Carr has done and which types of activities became his favorites over the years. He gives tips on selecting a team or creating one, yourself. He also presents a few examples of the various types of conflict the investigator could experience.
Equipment and how to use it takes up a large portion of Talking to Yourself in the Dark. Some specific devices are mentioned (including brand names), but much of the discussion of equipment covers only the various types in use in the field. This primer gives the new investigator the information they need to confidently begin selecting which equipment to use as they begin their own ghost hunting. Finally, Carr includes some example forms and letters and discusses how to use them.
For anyone wanting to get into the field of “ghost hunting” or paranormal investigations in general, this great little primer covers the subject surprisingly well, for its length. It gets your feet wet, so to speak, so you won’t be completely clueless your first time out. I recommend getting Talking to Yourself in the Dark. It’s a very quick read, and it covers a lot of ground in an easy-to-understand manner.
Release Date: March 18, 2010 (USA)
ISBNs: 0557322146 (9780557322145)
Publisher: T&D Productions
Language: English
MySF Rating: Four point zero stars
Family Friendliness: 100%
Alcohol/Drugs: 0
Language: 1 (very brief and mild, deity)
Sexuality: 0
Violence: 0