One of my favorite parts of the show is that it is so gloriously and unashamedly musical. With several more recent Disney films, I found myself imagining Disney executives uncomfortably shuffling their feet and mumbling, “Okay, we threw in a couple of songs to keep small children happy. Now, move along, please. Nothing to see here.” But the Frozen Sing-A-Long is a proper musical, with several catchy, fun tunes, including female solos, male solos, and a couple of lovely duets (including a duet by one person). Once Disney releases minus tracks and/or sheet music, I’m expecting these will see a lot of use in local musical auditions and revues.
As a long-time musical fan who loves singing, I was thoroughly delighted when I found out there would be a theatrically-released sing-a-long version of Frozen. I bought tickets the first day they went up for sale.
I was not disappointed. The Frozen Sing-A-Long was great fun. I could belt out the songs and have a grand old time and not feel the slightest bit silly about it. The way Disney did the sing-a-long subtitles made it easy to follow whichever part one pleased, in the duets.
Hubby, who does not sing if he can avoid it, was still mightily amused, watching everyone else. Crowd-watching—well, listening, the theater was dark—was one of the highlights of this particular showing.
People really got into it—not just the singing. They were more involved in (and more vocal about) the show as a whole. There were collective “Awww”s at particularly sweet or sad moments, unrestrained laughter at the funny parts, gasps at particularly perilous moments (even though everyone in the audience was clearly very familiar with the show), singing with great gusto during songs, and sustained boo-ing (primarily from the guys in the audience, which amused me all the more) at Hans’s “Oh, Anna…if only there were someone who truly loved you” line. (Yes, spoilers, I know, but if you haven’t seen it by now, you’re probably not planning on it.)
When the final credits rolled, all the little kids (and a lot of not-so-little kids) went down to the stage area right in front of the screen and danced until the music stopped (with one final “Awww” for Marshmallow finding the tiara). I had a grand time and really hope the Frozen Sing-A-Long will be included among the “special features” when the Frozen DVD/Blu-ray comes out.
Release Date: January 31, 2014 (USA)
MPAA Rating: PG
MySF Rating: Five point zero stars
Family Friendliness: 100%
Alcohol/Drugs: 1 (champagne is served at the coronation)
Language: 0
Nudity: 0
Sexuality: 0 (unless you count a kiss)
Violence: 2 (scary snow monster, use of weapons, characters in peril – close to death)